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Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects

In this article, we have presented the Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects. The Internet of Things projects given here are reflective of the current trends in IoT. Final Year Project Students can use any of the topics given below to develop an Internet of Things (IoT) based Final Year Project. Do You Need Help with your Final Year Project?


Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects: Top 10 Internet Of Things Projects

The advancement in technology is happening at a faster pace than ever before. Hence, engineering students need to keep themselves abreast of these advancements. This article, Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects, aims to update students regarding current trends in the field of the internet of things.

Undoubtedly, we are living in an unbelievably exciting technological and digital revolution era. We have seen a dramatic shift in the world around us in only a decade. We now have AI-powered automobiles, smart assistants, cancer detection systems, surgical bots, and, of course, the Internet of Things (IoT). All of this is due to the recent developments in Data Science.

Suppose you are in your Final Year Project of either Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering or Embedded Engineering. In that case, you can pick the Internet of Things subject area for your Final Year Project.

You can quickly brainstorm a few Project Topic Ideas related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and further discuss and refine them. You can read our article on this that discusses how to select a final year project topic for electronics.

How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics

How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic

Final Year Project Selection Tips for Beginners

The tutors at FYP Help fully believe in students focusing on a hands-on approach. This is because we believe that theoretical knowledge alone will not help in a real-world workplace. 

In this post, we will look at some exciting and trending Internet of Things ( IoT) project ideas that novices can use to put their skills to the test as part of their Final Year Project.

I would like first to answer a more pressing question that naturally comes to every student’s mind.


Why should you design an IoT Final Year Project, and what are the benefits?

The answer is straightforward. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a crucial 21st-century phenomenon. A few years ago, who would have guessed that one day we would have access to technology to allow us to connect ordinary objects? For example, electrical appliances, kitchen appliances, thermostats, door lock systems, baby monitors, and electrical appliances. Furthermore, IoT allows us to connect to all network devices from anywhere in the world.

All aspiring students should work on their final year projects to gain invaluable experience in the field of their choice. The best method to learn something is to do a practical project in that field. The students can turn their theoretical knowledge into the practical experience by working on real-world projects.

The Internet of Things is no different to other fields. If you do a practical project, you will feel at ease in this exciting field.

Before detailing the best 10 Internet of Things projects that you can develop for your Final Year Project, it is vital if we first define the Internet of Things for the benefit of beginners.

What is the Internet of Things?

Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that refers to a network of interconnected physical devices that have sensors and intelligent software integrated into them to allow data exchange between them via the Internet. 

The number of Connected IoT Devices?

IoT is not just for everyday domestic objects but also for connecting sophisticated industrial things and systems. There are currently over 7 billion IoT devices in use. By 2025 the number of connected devices is predicted to rise to 22 billion.

How does an IoT network acquire data?

An IoT network uses cloud, mobile, WiFi and Big Data technologies, data analytics and low-cost computation. What is more astounding is that all of this interaction happens with very little human interaction. Instead, muti-device communication enables IoT networks to gather and exchange data among physical items connected within the network.

Topology of the IoT Network

Regarding topology, the Internet of Things devices either work in a star configuration or Mesh Configuration.

IoT Star Network Topology

In star configuration, all the devices send their data to a central device. This central device is called a router or coordinator. The router/coordinator then transmits data to the cloud, and the applications at the cloud process the data.

IoT Mesh Network Topology

On the other hand, there are various mesh topologies. The most common ones consist of the following sub topologies:

  1. The devices in this configuration are end devices, routers and Coordinators. In this configuration, the end devices consist of sensors and only communicate to routers. Multiple routers gather data from numerous associated end devices and then send it to a coordinator. The coordinator then sends data of the whole network to the cloud.
  2. The second most used mesh configuration in IoT is where all the devices/nodes can talk to each other. In addition to this, these devices also send data to the cloud. The data is exchanged between different nodes and then pushed to the cloud.

Advantages of developing IoT Final Year Project

Working on the Internet of Things projects will give you exposure to the following fields:

  • Electronics
  • Embedded Systems
  • Wireless Technology
  • Sensor Signal Acquisition
  • Cloud Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Mobile Applications

As the Internet of Things (IoT) gains traction in the modern world, academics and tech enthusiasts are eager to invest in creating cutting-edge IoT projects. As a result, your future career prospects will increase within the field of IoT.

You will not only be able to test your strengths and limitations while you work on IoT project ideas, but you will also get the exposure that will help you further your career.

Top 10 Internet of Things Projects for Final Year Project Students

This article will discuss the top ten Internet of Things (IoT) projects that beginners can work on as part of their Final Year Project.

1. Home Automation System using IoT

The most famous IoT project is probably home automation. The smart home industry is the most evolving industry nowadays. So you can do a final year project in Home Automation.

The goal of an Internet-of-Things-based home automation project is to automate the operation of household appliances and items and provide remote access. For example, your smartphone or a cloud interface may control and operate all household gadgets connected to the IoT network. The Cloud interface is practical and allows the user to control and manage household equipment from anywhere on the planet. For example, you may want to set your air conditioning system 1 hour in advance so that the home environment will feel right when you get home.

Generally speaking, a Home Automation system consists of a Touch Screen display that is used to control all the devices. In addition to this, a WiFi connection between the central control touch screen display and all the connected electronic gadgets helps with data exchange. Using the display, a user can set and control the parameters of any IoT-enabled devices at home. Furthermore, due to the  WiFi interface, a user can interact with the display from anywhere in the world using an internet-enabled mobile device. Home Automation is generally the most obvious project on our list of the Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects.

IoT Network Security is important

It is paramount that the security of the Home Automation system is foolproof. Hence, nowadays, Blockchain-enabled IoT security is being used for many devices.

By working on the Home Automation IoT as your Final Year Project, you will gain experience in one of the fastest-growing IoT industries. In addition, your resume will make you stand out from the crowd and offer better prospects than others.

2. Air Pollution Reporting System using IoT

The second project on our list of Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects is related to Air Pollution. Air pollution is a problem in every corner of the world. Unfortunately, measuring pollution levels is a difficult task. Traditional air pollution monitoring systems fail to effectively monitor air pollution levels and chemicals. However, IoT-based air pollution monitoring systems can monitor and preserve data on web servers for future use.

Working on an air pollution monitoring system is one of the most significant ways to get started with hands-on IoT projects for any beginner. Evidently, using IoT you can develop an innovative, accessible and responsive air pollution reporting system.

Your IoT-based Air Pollution Reporting device will offer a cost-effective method of air quality measurement. The device will integrate sensors to measure the following vital physical quantities required to report air pollution levels accurately:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Windspeed
  • Air Quality Index: ozone, 
  • Presence of Particulate Matter
  • Carbon Monoxide,
  • Nitrous Oxide and
  • Sulphur Dioxide

The Air Pollution Reporting Final Year Project will let you experience the fields of embedded systems and environmental sciences.

3. Smart Traffic Management System using IoT

It is alarming that the world population is increasing at a rapid rate. The increase in the world population affects many resources and services. With the rise in population, the number of automobiles on the road has also grown. Traffic congestion has become an everyday concern in cities, and metropolitan regions as public and private cars continue to rise.

To address this issue, an Internet of Things-based project should help develop an intelligent traffic management system. This system can successfully control traffic on roadways. Furthermore, this system can provide free passage for emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire engines. The smart traffic management system can be one of the most critical and influential IoT initiatives. Above all helping local authorities and automobile drivers.

The IoT intelligent traffic management system will help local authorities identify traffic offenders and stop/record traffic violations. The intelligent traffic management project can be a good IoT-based Final Year Project for final year students.

4. Smart Parking System using IoT

With the increase in the number of automobiles on the road and congestion of the cities, finding a parking place in towns and metropolitan regions is becoming increasingly difficult. It is not only time-consuming but also somewhat irritating. However, there is a solution to the parking situation thanks to IoT.

As part of your Final Year Project, you can develop an IoT-based intelligent parking system to eliminate extra travel and harassment while looking for a suitable parking space.

On a higher level, the system will alert drivers about the location of the available car spots. The system is designed using a small infrared sensor per parking spot. The array of Infrared connected sensors can map out the entire car park and give an overall picture. Data from several infra-red sensors allows drivers to view available parking spaces in the parking lot and drive straight to them instead of wasting time hunting for one. The intelligent parking system using IoT is a good project for beginners.

One can also employ artificial intelligence and image processing to determine the empty car space, but this is an advanced version of the project implementation.

5. Intelligent Baby Cradle using IoT

Smart Cradle for babies is one of the most interesting projects on our list of Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects. The smart cradle’s purpose is to allow parents to keep an eye on their children and track their actions from the other rooms within the house or a remote location. 

An intelligent baby cradle is an intriguing IoT project concept, and students can develop it for their Final Year Project. The IoT-based intelligent cradle system can include a cry detection mechanism, live-video monitoring, and a user interface.

Multiple sensors can be attached to the baby cradle such as Temperature and Humidity sensors. Hence, allowing the remote condition monitoring of the bed. On the other hand, the security camera attached to the cradle will continue to relay footage of the newborn to the parents. The data collected by the sensors is sent to the cloud for storage. Additionally, the device contains a health algorithm that uses sensor data to monitor the infant’s health continuously and alerts the parents if anything unexpected in the baby’s health parameters is detected.

The intelligent baby cradle system using IoT can be a game-changing project for monitoring children’s health. This project also has its applications in other health monitoring applications.

6. Intelligent Agriculture System using IoT

With the increasing food consumption and dramatic rise in food wastage worldwide, there is a need to improve the agriculture system further. It is time to bring the field of agriculture into the 21st century. Working on an intelligent agriculture system is one of the best ways to get started with hands-on IoT projects for students. 

This IoT-based project focuses on developing an intelligent agricultural system capable of performing and monitoring various farming tasks. Above all, the innovative agriculture system should be able to monitor the crops and trees for a range of local agriculture diseases that can affect the yield of the crops. The farmers can install sensors at strategic locations within their field and monitor the output of sensors on a mobile app or a cloud-based system. The IoT-based agriculture system can successfully monitor soil moisture and advise farmers when to water the field.

As a matter of fact, such a sophisticated system can handle routine agricultural tasks. Hence, allowing farmers and cultivators to focus on more labour-intensive agricultural tasks.

The intelligent Agriculture System can be a great IoT project topic for the Final Year Students. It is one of our favourite project topics on the list of Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects.

7. Smart Garage Door Project using IoT

Another project closely linked to the Internet of Things home automation is the development of a smart garage door. The smart garage door is another excellent IoT project that can help the Final Year Project students get exposure to multiple fields.

A student can develop a smart garage door that can be controlled and operated using a mobile phone app. The IoT-powered smart garage door eliminates the need to carry keychains. Instead, all you need to do is configure and integrate your smartphone with your home IoT network. This will allow you to easily open and close your garage door with a few clicks of a button.

Further enhancement of the smart garage door IoT-based project can include a laser to detect intruders. Furthermore, voice commands can control doors. Also, the system can also send intelligent notifications for opening and closing doors. The smart garage door is one of the basic IoT projects that beginners can quickly develop.

8. Smart Streetlight monitoring system using IoT

There are many Internet of Things projects, and one of those applications is developing a smart streetlight monitoring system using IoT. A list of the Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects is incomplete without a project using lights!

There is no doubt that streetlights are a source of significant energy consumption. Streetlights are frequently left on even when no one is present, and/, or the streetlights are turned fully ON when there is no need for them to be fully on. 

Above all, by doing this project, you can efficiently monitor and optimise streetlight energy consumption with the help of this IoT-based street light monitoring system.

A student can use light-dependent resistor sensors to detect the amount of ambient light. This will enable the student to determine what brightness level to adjust. In addition, the innovative street light system can use an IR sensor to detect the presence of an object to determine if the light needs to be ON. Above all, this method can save a significant amount of energy. The beginners can quickly work on this project and develop their Internet of Things-related skills. There are many problems associated with street and industrial lighting systems. A final year project student can choose the smart street lighting monitoring project for their final year project and increase their career perspectives.

9. Advanced Mining worker safety Helmet using IoT

The mines are generally hazardous and offer risky work environments.

Above all, the safety of mine workers is of utmost importance. Miners risk their lives to dig things underground, and any small safety oversight can make a difference between life and death. Moreover, miners constantly look for potentially disastrous incidents because underground environments are dangerous.

Designing an IoT electronic project is one of the intriguing IoT project ideas. For example, the proposed idea of developing a mining worker safety helmet employs an intrinsic safety circuit and an RF transceiver to track the mining site’s environment and assess worker safety. In addition, the RF network aids in data transmission over the IoT network.

By working on this advanced mining safety helmet product as part of the student’s Final Year Project, students can increase their prospects of getting jobs in a specialised field of Electronics design, i.e. designing products for Hazardous Locations.

By working on the Advanced Mining worker safety Helmet, a student can increase their chances of getting employment in a niche of Electronics that is in high demand, i.e. the design of electronic products for hazardous locations.

10. Smart Earthquake Detection System

Earthquakes are natural disasters that can occur at any time or place. Earthquakes not only destroy buildings but also kill many people. People’s houses are destroyed, and their livelihoods are taken away.

As a result, early earthquake detection is critical to preventing the loss of life and valuable assets. Therefore, an intelligent Earthquake Detection System can be a good IoT project for the Final Year Project students.

This proposed IoT-based earthquake detection system is designed to monitor and track seismic activity and take the necessary steps to mitigate the damage. This IoT Project collects data for all relevant natural factors using sensors at critical locations. The system can then issue advanced warnings to the general population to take necessary steps.


In this article, we have discussed the Top 10 IoT Final Year Projects that final year project students can develop as part of their Final Year Project.

We started by first explaining the Internet of Things and the associated advantages it brings with it. First, however, it is essential to recognise that the Internet of Things is a promising and evolving industry. Many applications currently use the Internet of Things. It is estimated that by 2025 more than 2 billion devices will be connected via the Internet of Things network.

In addition to defining the Internet of things, we explained the basic network topology used in the IoT network, including Star and Mesh Network.

We also discussed various advantages if a student does their project in the field of the Internet of Things. By doing a project within the IoT realm, a student would gain exposure to many different areas such as Electronics, Embedded Systems, Wireless Technology, and artificial intelligence, to name a few.

Top Ten IoT Projects for Final Year Students

We have also discussed and explained the ten most important and trending IoT projects that Final Year Students can use as part of their Final Year projects. We have discussed the following top IoT projects in this article:

  1. Home Automation System using IoT
  2. Air Pollution Reporting System using IoT
  3. Smart Traffic Management System using IoT
  4. Smart Parking System using IoT
  5. Intelligent Baby Cradle using IoT
  6. Intelligent Agriculture System using IoT
  7. Smart Garage Door Project using IoT
  8. Streetlight monitoring system using IoT
  9. Advanced Mining worker safety Helmet using IoT
  10. Smart Earthquake Detection System

Hopefully, after reading this article, you will better understand the Internet of Things. If you are a final year degree student, then you can work on any of the IoT projects mentioned above. Above all, by working on these projects you will further your career in the exciting field of IoT.

How can FYP Help assist your Final Year Project?

FYP Help specialises in helping both undergraduate and postgraduate students with their Mini projects as well as Final Year Projects. Our team of experts will help you develop the skills mentioned in this blog post. Our mentors will not only help you refine your interest area but will also assist you in picking the topic for your project which will later help you find a job in your respective field. Furthermore, FYP Help specialises in helping with engineering projects. Our expert mentors are specialists in the following areas of engineering:

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electrical Engineering Degree
  • Embedded Systems
  • Mechatronics Engineering Degree
  • Software Engineering Degree
  • Mobile App Development
  • Any Computing Programming Language
  • Computer Science Engineering Degree
  • IT Degree

We are here to help!

If you need help with projects in any of the above engineering fields then please contact us today. We are sure we will be able to help you.

We can help you prepare for your Final Year Project right from the start of your degree program. By working with you we will develop a project action plan that will include the development of Mini Projects. All the Mini-Projects will be selected in a subject area that interests you. The projects will cover a range of conceptual topics. You will be solving real-world problems as part of your mini-projects. Upon the successful completion of your mini-projects, you will feel confident about starting a Final Year Project. Please rest assured that our Mentors will be here to help you throughout this process. They will share tips and techniques that can help you excel in your chosen subject area.

Get in Touch!

Please get in touch with us today if you need help with any areas of your Final Year Project.

Need Help with your Final Year Project


We are a UK-based organization that offer teaching, training and consultation services to students who are looking to get help with regards to their Final Year Project. We offer our services to help and guide both the graduate and post-graduate students.


Please note that we offer teaching and training services so that you successfully complete your Final Year Project. We do not provide complete solutions that you can submit as your own work. The solution/guidance provided to you by us serves as a reference solution and is not to be submitted as it is. These solutions are intended to be used for research and reference purposes only. Please note that we want to upskill you as part of your Final Year Project development so you can compete at an expert level.

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