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Refund Policy

Last Updated 29 January 2022

Refund Policy of

Thank you for your Custom

We will like to thank you for using our service. We always do our best to provide you with top-class service. Furthermore, we always go the extra mile to ensure our clients are trained to an extent that they pass their projects with flying marks. Our track record of completing thousands of projects with the highest rate of customer satisfaction speaks volumes of our top-rated service.

Refund Policy

All the refund requests will be entertained on an individual basis.

We do strive to work hard and give the topmost priority to our customers. However. we do recognize that at times things do not go as planned. In order to cover those situations, we do have a transparent refund policy.

Here are some cases where we will provide a refund:

  • When your mentor is not available due to unforeseen circumstances and we are not able to arrange another mentor. In that case, we will review how much of your tuition schedule is completed and then refund the appropriate amount. Please note, most of the time we should be able to arrange a replacement mentor for you.
  • We have not been able to fulfil our requirement of a training session and cannot reschedule it before your deadline. Please note, most of the time we should be able to re-arrange a training session in a timely manner.

Here are some cases where we will not issue a refund:

  • A mentor is assigned to you and he/she has created your tuition plan but you change your mind. In this case, we will not issue a refund.
  • If you change your project and this results in the creation of another project plan with another mentor then we will not issue a refund. You will have to pay an additional fee for the second project plan.

Please note that the above is not an exhaustive list.

Our Refund review team will look into every refund request, and then they will decide on the outcome. The review team can reject your claim or approve it, it is their sole discretion. Please rest assured that all genuine requests will be considered and will get a refund if the refund review team is satisfied.

In case of any issues please contact us:

Policy for Revisions or Extra Questions or Extra Teaching Lessons

Please note that the purpose of defining the teaching plan with your mentor is to ensure you have enough time planned with your mentor to understand your Final Year Project. You can get as much help as possible, ask as many questions as possible, ask for multiple reviews of work from your mentor ONLY during the allocated and planned teaching schedule. If your think you would need extra time with your mentor then please contact us. Depending on the availability of your mentor he/she may be able to answer a quick question on a small number of occasions. If the mentor is busy then you would have to book them separately by buying an additional number of teaching lessons.

We are a UK-based organization that offer teaching, training and consultation services to students who are looking to get help with regards to their Final Year Project. We offer our services to help and guide both the graduate and post-graduate students.


Please note that we offer teaching and training services so that you successfully complete your Final Year Project. We do not provide complete solutions that you can submit as your own work. The solution/guidance provided to you by us serves as a reference solution and is not to be submitted as it is. These solutions are intended to be used for research and reference purposes only. Please note that we want to upskill you as part of your Final Year Project development so you can compete at an expert level.

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