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MATLAB Engineering Final Year Projects

In this article, we introduced MATLAB and Simulink and also highlighted their suitability for engineering projects. We have also put forward a strong case in the favour of using MATLAB and Simulink for research-based engineering projects. Additionally, we have also listed several MATLAB Engineering Final Year Project Ideas for final year engineering students. Do You Need Help with your Final Year Project?


MATLAB Engineering Final Year Project Ideas

This article will discuss why you should use MATLAB for your research-based Engineering Final Year Project. We have listed several Engineering MATLAB Final Year Project Ideas that students can use to develop final year projects.

The demand for sophisticated consumer and industrial products pushes engineers and researchers to find innovative solutions to complex problems. Both researchers and engineers continuously push the boundaries to create compact and efficient products. One of the biggest problems faced by the researchers is modelling complex mathematical problems. As the product and features grow in complexity, so do the mathematical models, which are next to impossible to solve manually. To tackle the problem of complex engineering mathematical models, software such as MATLAB exist. MATLAB helps in successfully modelling and solving complex engineering problems.

MATLAB Engineering Final Year Project Ideas

What is MATLAB?

MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform used to analyse data, create models, develop algorithms and simulate complex mathematical problems.

MATLAB allows engineers and scientists to analyse and develop systems and products. Furthermore, a matrix-based language, called M, in MATLAB solves problems using the natural expression in computational mathematics. In addition to this, The MATLAB environment offers iterative analysis and design processes. The language used in MATLAB expresses matrix and arrays mathematics directly. MATLAB environment offers a live editor where you can create scripts that will allow you to execute and combine code output, among many other time-saving features. Using MATLAB, you can decide where to run the analysis on your problem, whether it is on a GPU, cloud or cluster. You can select the platform for running your analysis by making minimal changes to the software.

If you are working on a research-based final year project, then MATLAB is an ideal tool that you can use to conduct your research, modelling, simulation and deployment to multiple platforms.

What can you do with MATLAB?

MATLAB allows you to Take Your Ideas Beyond Research to Production. MATLAB is a powerful software with near to unlimited capabilities. You can use MATLAB to model and solve problems for various engineering and research fields. In addition, MATLAB offers multiple add-ons that you can use to simulate nearly everything. Below is a list of domains for which you can use MATLAB for your final year project. By no means is this an exhaustive list, and you should go to the MATLAB website to see the complete offerings of MATLAB.

Iterative analysis of your problem


Create scripts, functions, and classes using a Matrix-based language optimised for computational mathematics.

App Building

Using MATLAB, you can Create applications for desktop, webpages, and embedded systems.

External Language Interfaces

MATLAB allows you to interface with many famous languages, such as C/C++, Python, etc.

Data Analysis

You can Explore, model, and analyse big or small data.


You can exploit various visual tools to explore data graphically.


You can connect various hardware platforms to MATLAB, including your custom hardware.

Develop Algorithm for Embedded Devices

You can automatically convert the MATLAB algorithms to C/C++, HDL and other formats that will let you run the algorithm on embedded devices.

Integrate with Model-Based Design

Simulink is an add-on that works with MATLAB to support Model-Based Designs for multi-domain simulation and code generation. You can also use this setup to test and verify embedded systems.

You can use MATLAB for:

Deep Neural Networks

Data preparation, design, simulation, and deployment for deep neural networks

Machine Learning

Train models, tune parameters, and also deploy to production or the edge using Machine Learning

Condition Monitoring

Develop and deploy condition monitoring and predictive maintenance software for condition monitoring

Signal Processing

Analyse signals and time-series data. Additionally, Model, design, and simulate signal processing systems.

Image Processing

Acquire, process, and also analyse images and videos for algorithm development and system design

Control Systems

Design, test, and implementation of control systems


Convert your robotics ideas and concepts into autonomous systems that work seamlessly in real-world environments.

Test and Measurement

Acquire, analyse, and also automate tests

Wireless Communications

Create, design, test, and also verify wireless communications systems

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. You can potentially use MATLAB for any subject area you picked as part of your Final Year Project.

What language is used in MATLAB?

The default language used in MATLAB is called M, a scripting language. Generally, M is known as the MATLAB language. The file extension “.m” helps save the scripts written using M language.

You can use scripts using M and perform various tasks using it. MATLAB also lets engineers and researchers call functions written in many other languages, such as C, C++, C#, Python, and Perl. 

Which industry uses MATLAB?

MATLAB is a widely used computational software that is used for R&D in many industries throughout the world. MATLAB finds its uses in any industry that requires algorithm development, computation, data analysis and visualisation. Furthermore, MATLAB is also helpful for automotive, electronics, aerospace, industrial automation, and communications.

MATLAB usage is widespread in industries that deal with computational biology, control systems, signal processing, video and image processing, computational finance, and testing and measurement. In addition, many big companies like Ford, Epson, and Flir use MATLAB for their research and development.

If your Final Year Project is related to any of the industries mentioned above or any other sectors, then you can use MATLAB for your Final Year Project.

Is it hard to learn MATLAB?

MATLAB is easy to learn as it uses a simple language called M and has an intuitive user interface. In addition, MATLAB has an excellent graphical user interface and is very inviting to engineers and researchers. This experience makes it easy for anyone to learn MATLAB if they dedicate enough time to it.

For someone interested in learning MATLAB, they can find many resources online. People from technical and non-technical backgrounds find it easy to grips with MATLAB in just a few days.

If you want to use MATLAB for your final year project, then we can assure you that you can learn it in no time. The expert tutors at FYPHelp can help you learn MATLAB and associated plugins at an accelerated rate. Please get in touch with us today to talk to one of our experts.

What is Simulink?

Simulink is a block diagram graphical environment used to design, analyse and test systems and software architecture. Simulink lets engineers and researchers model systems where you can simulate and evaluate the design. In addition to this, engineers can model new ideas for their designs and review results to see which method works the best. You can also write code and verify it quickly and deploy it to actual hardware for real-world applications.

Market-leading companies utilise model-based design, which involves applying models consistently across the whole development process, to transform the creation of complex systems.

Simulink lets engineers:

  • Simulate and test systems frequently, in addition to using a virtual model.
  • Use physical models, Hardware-in-the-Loop testing, and fast prototyping to validate the concept.
  • Produce code for the embedded system in production-quality C, C++, CUDA, PLC, Verilog, and VHDL and deploy it instantly.
  • Keep a traceable digital thread using the requirements, system architecture, component design, code, and also testing.
  • Extend models to operational systems for fault analysis and preventive maintenance
  • Simulink is, in essence, revolutionising how engineers and researchers work.

What can you do with Simulink? Advantages of Simulink?

There is no denying that intelligent systems underpin modern technology, but how do you apply these systems effectively and to a high standard? For instance, how does a wind turbine adjust to the wind’s direction to maximise power generation? You must manage the blade yaw and pitch to size the gear train to satisfy the electrical requirement. One must coordinate the design of these related parts.

Above all, Simulink allows you to simulate block diagrams to understand and evaluate complicated systems. You can use Simulink to simulate a variety of analogue, digital, mixed-signal, and multi-rate systems using state-of-the-art solvers.

Scale Up Simulations using Simulink

It is simple to scale up the thousands or even millions of simulations for parameter sweeping or intricate design space investigation. Furthermore, you can set up your model to have precisely the necessary level of detail for your goal. For instance, you may use an ideal actuator model to calculate the required sizes. Then, to create your embedded software, you could move to a model with hydraulic components.

You can use Simulink to evaluate your algorithm’s performance as it adapts to fit your requirements. In addition, several add-on solutions give model-based design new features, enabling you to specify the system architectural model, consider latency and other network impacts, and incorporate complex logic into your design.

Using technologies tailored to regulate signal processing and communications applications, you can increase the productivity of your design work. You can create code to prototype, test, and deploy onto an embedded device using a Simulink model. The design model basis is regularly checked and validated during this development process.

What is the difference between MATLAB and Simulink?

Simulink is one of many tools that come with Matlab. Hence there is no comparison to be made between the two. You can purchase Matlab with or without those tools when you do so.

MATLAB lets you write code using the M language. In addition to this, you can perform complex tasks by writing scripts and executing them within the MATLAB environment. 

On the other hand, Simulink facilitates simulations by using blocks that correlate to invisible codes. In addition, Simulink uses images to depict the model of the system you wish to simulate, making it easier to read.

Matlab offers full system simulation, but in addition to Matlab’s built-in algorithms, you must design your own.

Simulink diagrams are helpful for design documentation, perhaps even more so than MATLAB code listings. The print frame choices can also give the model diagram printouts a more professional engineering drawing appearance.

Depending on the needs of your application, Simulink Coder may no longer be necessary with the introduction of the Simulink Compiler.

What are the advantages of using MATLAB for your Final Year Project?

MATLAB offers many benefits. You can do matrix multiplication and addition with a single line of code because MATLAB can easily handle mathematical operations like them.

With the same or even less code, one can easily write standard loops in C or C++ in MATLAB. Furthermore, in MATLAB, creating user-defined functions is simple and can be saved in independent files. This feature is helpful if you frequently utilise a lot of operations or functions and don’t want to write them out every time.

There are various advantages of using MATLAB, and it is impossible to list them all here. So instead, we have listed some in the list below: 

  • It is simple to implement and also test your algorithms.
  • You can easily create computational codes quickly.
  • Within MATLAB, you can debug quickly and also find issues with your algorithm.
  • Make use of an extensive database of internal algorithms.
  • MATLAB allows you to create simulation videos and edit still photos with ease.
  • Furthermore, you can perform simple symbolic computations.
  • Additionally, you can import a vast set of libraries and use them in MATLAB.
  • MATLAB offers comprehensive data visualisation and analysis tools.
  • Using MATLAB, you can create graphical user interfaces for your applications.

Further down in the article, we have listed several MATLAB Engineering Final Year Project Ideas that final year project students can pick for their final year research-based projects.

What are the advantages of using Simulink?

Simulink is a graphical addition to MATLAB for system modelling and simulation. Simulink’s capacity to simulate a nonlinear system, which a transfer function cannot, is one of its key benefits. Simulink’s capacity to assume beginning conditions is another benefit. The initial conditions are set to zero while constructing a transfer function.

Most of the Simulink system models use m-files, but Simulink has some key advantages that make it more popular. Here we have listed a few benefits of Simulink:

  • First, Simulink and hardware implementation are similar. 
  • Second, Simulink is incredibly simple to read since it looks like a functional block diagram.
  • Third, because the simulation runs continuously, the entire system’s status is available for each time slot.
  • Finally, evaluating and quickly assessing multiple design concepts in a single multi-domain simulation environment is possible.
  • It is also easy to simulate large-scale system models using reusable parts and libraries that contain specialised, outside modelling tools.
  • Put simulation models to use for desktop, real-time, and also perform Hardware-in-the-Loop testing.
  • Use multi-core PCs, clusters, and also the cloud to run extensive simulations.
  • Define and additionally record requirements
  • Moreover, define and describe the specifications for the architectures, compositions, and parts.
  • Establish a single source for component-level interfaces and architecture
  • Utilise MATLAB to do analyses and trade research.
  • Utilising simulation-based testing, validate the requirements and also examine the system architectures

Do research projects have the same importance as practical projects?

Research projects are equally important as practical projects. In research-based final-year projects, students are pushing the boundaries of innovation in their respective fields. The continual improvements to any field are crucial so that engineers can use these innovations to develop exciting applications.

If a final year engineering student has a research interest, we highly advise that they undertake a research-based final year project. Moreover, a students’ ability to undertake a research-based project demonstrates their keenness in the respective field. In addition, it shows that the student wants to compete at an expert level in the respective field. Finally, completing a research-based project will also help the student pursue a PhD if they are interested in specialising.

Should I do a Final Year Project using MATLAB?

For engineering students interested in research-based projects, we advise that they use MATLAB for their final year project. MATLAB is one of the widely used tools in the academic and industrial world.

Many universities use MATLAB as part of their curriculum to get students introduced to this great tool. The thought process behind this is that the students will become familiar with MATLAB before undertaking their final year project and then can do a project using MATLAB.

MATLAB is also highly used in the industry. Big organisations like Ford, Epson and Flir use this as primary research, modelling and simulation tool before deploying the algorithms or systems on real applications.

Using MATLAB for your final year project will give you credibility regarding your research and modelling skills. It will also highlight to potential employers that you are not afraid to take up innovative tasks. We will highly recommend to the students that the MATLAB Engineering Final Year Project Ideas we presented here are seriously considered for the final year project.

We have written many other articles that Final  Year Project Students can read to help with the Final Year Project Topic Selection, Please see the below list of articles:

How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic

Final Year Project Selection Tips for Beginners

How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics

What Final Year Projects can you develop using MATLAB and Simulink?

MATLAB and Simulink are the most widely used software in academia and industry. Engineering students can also utilise MATLAB and Simulink in their final-year undergraduate or master’s thesis topic to gain practical experience and advance engineering and science.

Below are some of the industries that final year project students can work in using MATLAB and Simulink.

  • Industry 4.0
  • Robotics
  • Drones
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Computer Vision
  • 5G
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Big Data
  • Sustainability and Renewable Energy

Below we have listed some of the MATLAB Engineering Final Year Project Ideas that final year project students can develop as part of their final year project.

Deep Learning-Based Speech Background Noise Suppression

Create a deep learning neural network for the reduction of audio background noise. By conducting research on noise reduction and voice enhancement, hearing aid technology will advance, improving the quality of life for those with hearing loss.

Acquired Expertise: Signal Processing, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Neural Networks

Motor Control using Machine Learning

Improve the output quality and performance necessary to create a motor control application. Additionally, participate in the change of manufacturing and electrification globally.

Acquired Expertise: Automotive, Artificial Intelligence, Control, Reinforcement Learning, Machine Learning

A Wireless Communications Link with Software-Defined Radio

Designing low-cost software-designed radios will help you gain real expertise in wireless communications. Additionally, develop your wireless technology knowledge to advance this megatrend in business and society.

Acquired Expertise: Software-Defined Radio, 5G, Signal Processing, Low-Cost Hardware, Modeling and Simulation, Wireless Communications 

Smart Watering System with the Internet of Things

Create an intelligent plant watering system with inexpensive gear and the Internet of Things. In essence, reduce the detrimental consequences of excessive water use in agriculture and protect water resources.

Acquired Expertise: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Sustainability and Renewable Energy

Portable Charging System for Electric Vehicles

Create a portable charger for electric vehicles. Assist in making electric cars more reliable for general use.

Acquired Expertise: Modeling and Simulation, Sustainability and Renewable Energy, Control, Electrification

Warehouse Robotics Simulation

For efficient algorithm design and warehouse operations, simulate multi-robot interactions. Advance warehouse automation while reducing associated time and energy consumption.

Acquired Expertise: Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Human-Robot Interaction

Analysis of Traffic Data for Modeling and Prediction of Traffic Scenarios

Understand, model, and predict human driving trajectories by analysing real-world traffic data. Contribute to the advancement of autonomous driving technology and intelligent transportation research.

Acquired Expertise: Automotive, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Big Data, Autonomous Vehicles

Machine Learning for Wind Turbine Predictive Maintenance

Improve wind turbine reliability by informing a predictive maintenance model with machine learning. Help to provide the world with reliable green energy.

Acquired Expertise: Predictive Maintenance, Wind Turbines, Modeling and Simulation, Industry 4.0, Sustainability and Renewable Energy, Machine Learning

UAV Infrastructure Inspection Using Deep Learning

Using UAVs and deep learning, automate the infrastructure inspection process. As a result, it improves the safety and speed of infrastructure inspection across multiple industries.

Acquired Expertise: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Large Antenna Array Optimisation for Astronomical Applications

Create a large antenna array and in essence, optimise the array’s multiple design variables to achieve the desired transmission/reception characteristics. Long-distance communication capabilities for astronomical applications are improving continuously.

Acquired Expertise: Optimisation, Green Hydrogen Production, 5G, Smart Antennas, Wireless Communications

Avoiding Satellite Collisions

Contribute to the success of satellite mega-constellations and improve LEO environment safety. Model satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO) to detect conjunctions and avoid collisions with space debris while remaining in orbit.

Acquired Expertise: Modeling and Simulation, Satellites, Control, Autonomous Vehicles, Aerospace


This article is about MATLAB and Simulink and how students can use these software for their final year projects. We discussed MATLAB, a programming and numeric computing platform used to analyse data, create models, and solve complex mathematical problems.

Final Year Project students can use MATLAB for iterative analysis, data analysis, graphics, development of algorithms for embedded devices, etc. In addition, in the final year project, students can use a language called M, which is easy to learn.

Simulink is an add-on tool that is a block diagram graphical environment used to design, analyse and test systems and software architecture. Simulink lets final-year project students model, simulate and evaluate the design and try out new ideas for their concepts.

We also listed various advantages of MATLAB and Simulink and detailed how students and researchers can use them to push the boundaries of innovation. MATLAB and Simulink are the most widely used software in academia and industry.

MATLAB and Simulink are Ideal Platforms for Research-Based Engineering Projects

We have also listed several research-based modelling projects students can undertake as final-year projects.

The research-based projects are as important as practical projects, and students should not shy away from undertaking research projects. Therefore, we recommend MATLAB and Simulink to students for research-based final year projects.

If you are a final year engineering project student who wants to learn MATLAB and Simulink and undertake research-based projects, then FYPHELP can help. The tutors at FYPHELP are here to teach MATLAB and Simulink to the students. In addition, our tutors can help and guide you to perform Final Year Project using MATLAB and Simulink. So please get in touch with us today so our tutors can effectively guide you to achieve maximum marks in the research-based final year project. We can work with you on any of the MATLAB Engineering Final Year Project Ideas discussed in this article.

How can FYP Help assist your Final Year Project?

FYP Help specialises in helping both undergraduate and postgraduate students with their Mini projects as well as Final Year Projects. Our team of experts will help you develop the skills mentioned in this blog post. Our mentors will not only help you refine your interest area but will also assist you in picking the topic for your project which will later help you find a job in your respective field. FYP Help specialises in helping with engineering projects. Our expert mentors are specialists in the following areas of engineering:

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electrical Engineering Degree
  • Embedded Systems
  • Mechatronics Engineering Degree
  • Software Engineering Degree
  • Mobile App Development
  • Any Computing Programming Language
  • Computer Science Engineering Degree
  • IT Degree

We are here to help!

If you need help with projects in any of the above engineering fields then please contact us today. We are sure we will be able to help you.

We can help you prepare for your Final Year Project right from the start of your degree program. By working with you we will develop a project action plan that will include the development of Mini Projects. All the Mini-Projects will be selected in a subject area that interests you. The projects will cover a range of conceptual topics. You will be solving real-world problems as part of your mini-projects. Upon the successful completion of your mini-projects, you will feel confident about starting a Final Year Project. Please rest assured that our Mentors will be here to help you throughout this process. They will share tips and techniques that can help you excel in your chosen subject area.

Get in Touch!

Please get in touch with us today if you need help with any areas of your Final Year Project.

Need Help with your Final Year Project


We are a UK-based organization that offer teaching, training and consultation services to students who are looking to get help with regards to their Final Year Project. We offer our services to help and guide both the graduate and post-graduate students.


Please note that we offer teaching and training services so that you successfully complete your Final Year Project. We do not provide complete solutions that you can submit as your own work. The solution/guidance provided to you by us serves as a reference solution and is not to be submitted as it is. These solutions are intended to be used for research and reference purposes only. Please note that we want to upskill you as part of your Final Year Project development so you can compete at an expert level.

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