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How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics

In this article, we will discuss How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics. Final Year Students studying a degree in Electronics or Embedded Engineering can use these tips to select a good final year project topic. These tips will ensure maximum marks in the final year project but will also help students in a job hunt. Do You Need Help with your Final Year Project?


How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics

In this article, How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics, we are going to guide you on how you can select a Final Year Project Topic for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering and Embedded Systems. In addition, we will discuss some of the critical factors you should consider before deciding on a topic for your Final Year Project.

We have also written a few other articles to help you with the selection of the final year project topic:

How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic

Final Year Project Selection Tips for Beginners


How Do I Select a Final Year Project?

How I select a final year project is perhaps the biggest and most essential question that students have at the start of the Final Year of their degree. We wish there was a simple answer to this question and if there was, we would tell you that. However, unfortunately, there is no simple answer.

This article will address how to select a Final Year Project Topic for an Engineering degree.

How do I select the Final Year Project Topic for Engineering

How I choose a final year project topic for engineering is a common question that many engineering students ask at the start of the Final Year of the degree. Even more important is the fundamental task of selecting an excellent final year project topic. Hence, an engineer must thoroughly consider selecting an engineering final year project topic.

Before we discuss how to select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics and other fields of Engineering, let us take a step back and understand the basics of a project.

Importance of Projects for Students

Project-based learning is an essential and best mode of learning. Hence, we cannot overstress the significance of project-based learning for the growth of students and organisations. Learning by doing is the most suitable and apt model to grasp an understanding of everything. Hence, degree courses include Final Year Project as a significant module for students to effectively learn a specific subject area.

What is a Project?

A project is a specific finite activity producing observable and measurable results under specific pre-specified requirements. Firstly, it is crucial to define project requirements, and the project is then carried out according to the project management methodology to fulfil the requirements. 

According to the project management body, a project is a measurable task with a beginning and an end. In addition, the project must create a bespoke/unique service or result.

Another definition of a project is a planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain bounds of cost and other limitations. It is pertinent to remember that every project will have a finite set of resources. Every project will be unique and will have cost limitations.

Solutions to Real World Problems – Project Approval

The Final Year Project Topic for Electronics should be related to real-world applications. As Electrical and Electronics, Communications and Embedded Engineering are developing and evolving fields, you must try to choose a project that uses the latest development in these fields.

You must try to contact someone in your respected industry and discuss with them what sort of problems they face. But, your job should first be to analyse the problem and then try to find a practical and economical solution.

Consideration should be given to the following elements when selecting a Project Topic for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Embedded Engineering and Communication Engineering:

The topic should be related to real-world problems and applications. Therefore, it must solve the difficulty faced by the users. In addition to this, you must investigate the latest developments in your chosen Engineering field to align your project with the technology trends.

In addition to this, investigate if there are practical problems in the manufacturing and test departments that you can help to solve, this practical problem-solving project will be precious.

Microcontroller-Based Final Year Project

A Microcontroller or Microprocessor based project is preferable for Electrical and Electronic, communication and Embedded Engineering.

The student can also do a software development project for FPGAs using descriptive hardware languages such as VHDL or Verilog.

Above all, it is worth mentioning that students should try to pick interdisciplinary projects as these will give students a broader experience in multiple fields. In addition, a student doing a multidisciplinary project will learn from other disciplines.

How do your Supervisor Assess your Final Year Project

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could know how your Final Year Project Supervisor will evaluate your project? If you know this in advance, then these factors will help you in selecting an appropriate project topic. Here, I will describe the pertinent points against which your project supervisor will assess your project.

Innovative Idea

Your project idea must be innovative and stand out from the crowd. However, at the same time, the project idea should be realistic to be commercially viable and achievable in the time assigned by the university or college.

Depth of Understanding

Your Final Year Project supervisor will assess your understanding of your chosen project topic. Hence, you must pick a Final Year Project Topic in a subject area where you feel confident working. You must clearly understand the selected project. Also, you can read the latest research papers on your project topic to better understand the problem and potential solutions.


Your Final Year Project Topic in engineering must directly solve problems. In addition, a final year project can also help to optimise current processes saving time and money. How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics is mostly answered by picking a project which has a real-world application.

Implementation and Results

If you have a good understanding of the project problem, you should be able to simulate it and find a solution effectively. You must document your implementation and results to add them to your project report.

Final Year Project Report

The final year project report is the most important one you will ever write during your academic career. Your supervisor will evaluate whether you have correctly and concisely conveyed the project problem, implementation and outcome. Therefore, you should improve your writing skills to succinctly deliver the most technical content to a non-specialist.


Final Year Project Presentation is one of the critical tasks of the Final Year Project. The Final Year Project Presentation must be very clear, and you should design a project sheet and PowerPoint presentation. In addition, the presentation should make you sound confident and expert on your Final Year Project Topic.

Project Domains

The discussion on How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics is incomplete without discussing project domains. Now, I will highlight a few essential domains you can work with as part of your Final Year Project. The project domains I have highlighted are currently trending and will be helpful for your future professional career.

You can pick a project topic within any of the below-mentioned domains for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering and Embedded Engineering.

Electrical PLC/SCADA

Useful for managing Automation systems, transmission lines, etc.

Analogue Electronic Circuit Design for Sensors

This is a demanding domain due to the lack of good Analogue Design Engineers.

Embedded Systems (STM32, PIC, AVR)

Modern industrial sensors and controllers use microcontrollers. You can choose to work on an 8/16/32-bit microcontroller of your choice. Nowadays, Arm Cortex Core is in demand. You will get to learn the hardware as well as the firmware development.

Arduino (UNO, NANO)

You can create a project using the Arduino development kit and shields. The advantage of this approach is that you do not have to make a Hardware Circuit and can get up and running quickly. Students generally work on the software aspects when working with Arduino. 


The field of Robotics is currently in demand. There is a big push from the governments to increase manufacturing efficiencies by employing robots for manual and repeated work. 

Digital Signal Processing

Not all the signals acquired by the microcontrollers are clean. Hence, the field of Digital Signal Processing deals with signal filtration, harmonic analysis and signal optimisation. 


There is a demand in the industry to develop a reliable and robust Wireless system with a wide coverage area. Technologies like LORA are the leaders in this realm. You can excel in your professional career by developing and designing wireless systems.

Digital Design/VLSI

The FPGAs are the backbone of systems where parallel processing and real-time response are required. There is a massive demand for VHDL and Verilog developers who can conceptualise, design, develop and synthesise digital circuits.

Internet of Things

The IoT is a buzzword nowadays. The purpose of IoT is to connect intelligent devices so all the devices can be part of an extensive ecosystem. Data sharing among devices from different manufacturers is possible. Also, standard protocols are used such that the devices can communicate with each other effectively. You can pick a solid project in IoT which will be a good discussion topic during your job interviews. 

Instrumentation/Virtual Instrumentation

You can optimise current test and manufacturing instruments by reviewing their design and developing a physical system. You can also help develop virtual instrumentation where it is impossible to build the instrument due to practical and economic reasons.

Simulation of Complex Models in LAB VIEW, MATLAB/SIMULINK

You can pick a project to simulate a problem and then develop a simulation model to propose a solution. This project mode is suitable for those who do not want to do a hands-on project, and it is not practical/economical to simulate the problem in the project.

Mobile Application

You can develop an Android or ioS application as part of your Final Year Project. It is pertinent to mention that for communication engineers, embedded engineers and Electrical & Electronic Engineers, it is more valuable to develop hardware that complements the mobile application.  

Cloud Computing – Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning

Although not wholly related to Electronic, Communication and Embedded Engineering, students can choose a project that uses Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. These fields are trending nowadays, and it will benefit students to get experience within interdisciplinary fields.

Advantages of Project Work

We will not be doing justice if we do not discuss the benefits of project work for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Communication Engineers and Embedded Engineers.

Firstly, the project work enables students to conceptualise, manage and deliver a project from start to end.

Secondly, the project work helps students develop the following skills: Time Keeping, Problem Solving, Technical Writing and presentation.

Thirdly, the project work allows students to be systematic in their approach to solving the research problem.

Notably, the Final Year Project enables students to handle and manage the project using their initiative without the help and support of someone else.  

The project work makes students stop depending on the rule of thumb and teaches them how to solve problems scientifically.

Students can improve their organisation skills and do things orderly by doing the project work.

Good project work can help enhance and develop a student’s employability skills such as Team Work, Critical Thinking, Time Management, Problem Solving, etc.

The skills acquired during final year project execution can be valuable if the student does a good industry project. In addition, this will add additional weight to Student’s CVs, leading to good employability chances for students.

A good project can also give additional advantages to students by getting them ready for further education. A good performance in the Final Year Project can also help students with further studies abroad.

Filters for selecting a Project Topic of Engineering

A student can apply the following filters for selecting a suitable project topic for their Final Year Project. This is an important aspect when looking to answer How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics.

Project Idea

A student must finalise a project idea out of a few potential ideas and then concentrate on that project idea.

Reality Check

It is natural to look for project ideas and concepts that are innovative and different. Students sometimes get into science fiction and start thinking of unrealistic ideas for their projects. However, it is also good to do a reality check to determine whether the project’s scope is realistic. It is vital to have a balanced project scope, i.e. neither too narrow nor too broad. Students can consult an experienced person or their tutors for further guidance if in doubt.

Student’s Expertise

A student should already have expertise and interest in the chosen subject area for the Final Year Project. If students choose a project topic in a subject area they are passionate about; they would naturally be inclined toward learning more about the topic and subject area. The student can further build on the experience by working on the Final Year Project. If a student has plans to do an internship or gain industrial experience in a particular field after graduation, then the student must try to choose a Final Year Project in that field.


The project should neither be too complex nor too easy. The project should be balanced in terms of complexity level. If you select a complex project, then it will take longer to complete. On the other hand, if you choose a moderately tricky project and complete it on time, you can always add more features to the project scope. 


You should pick a project topic that can be completed within the time allowed by the university for the Final Year Project. The duration should be factored in while deciding the project’s scope. If you have to use a new piece of equipment and software as part of the Final Year Project, you should factor in the time required for learning/training in the project plan.

It would help if you aimed to have a completed and working project well before your Final Year demonstration and report submission date.

Project Budget (Cost)

A discussion on How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics is incomplete without discussing the project budget. The cost of the project should be kept in mind. You would want to pick a project where the total cost can be borne by you, the college, or the university. You should not choose a project that requires expensive tools/equipment unavailable in your academic institute. The university will usually assign you a project budget, and you should stay within the project budget.

Availability of Hardware and Software

Students should not take for granted the availability of components and software that pertains to their projects. Hence, soon after selecting the project topic for your Final year, you must check if you need any hardware and software and their availability in the market. It would help if you also considered the software’s compatibility with your desktop and hardware. Finally, it would be best if you sourced hardware and software to start working on the project immediately.

Good Project Topic

If students consider all of the above filters while selecting a Final Year Project, then I am sure they will end up with a good Final Year Project Topic.


In this article, How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics, we have discussed how to pick a final year project topic for not only Electronics but also for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering and Embedded Systems.

We started by clearly explaining the definition of the project. Then, we described the project so anybody could understand what is expected as part of a Final Year Project.

We then described the essential aspects of picking a project for a Final year Engineering Degree. Importantly we explained how you could choose a topic for Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Embedded Engineering and communication engineering by considering the following important aspects:

  • Pick a Project Topic that has real-world applications and solves industrial problems.
  • Consider the crucial factors against which your project supervisor will evaluate your project. Knowing the required criteria should help you focus on selecting a pertinent project topic. These essential factors are:
  • Innovative Idea
  • Depth of your understanding of the project
  • Practical Application of the Project
  • The way you have implemented the project and presented the results
  • Final Year Project Report
  • Presentation

Furthermore, we have also discussed various domains where you can pick your Final Year Project Topic. These domains are mainly related to Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Communication Engineering and Embedded Engineering.

The critical domains are Electrical PLC/SCADA, Embedded Systems using Microcontrollers, Analogue Electronics, Arduino, Robotic, Digital Signal Processing, Mobile Applications, Cloud Computing, Wireless, Digital Design, Internet of Things, Instrumentation and Simulation of complex models.

Final Year Project Checklist

Furthermore, we explained why students should look forward to doing Final Year Project as it helps them develop themselves, polishes their employability skills, improves logical thinking and helps with improving technical writing. We also explained how students could gain confidence and knowledge to pursue a professional career or study abroad by completing a successful Final Year Project.

Finally, we listed a checklist that students can use as a  final check to refine and select their Final Year Project Topic. These checks include the following:

  • Firstly, a Reality Check of the Scope of the Project
  • Secondly, choose a topic that a student has an interest in
  • Thirdly, choose a moderately complex Project Topic
  • In addition to this, a Project Gantt Chart and scope should be defined to ensure the project is completed in the allocated time.
  • Furthermore, a student should check the availability of hardware and software that are needed to execute the Final Year Project as soon as possible.
  • Lastly, a student should also ensure that the project is done within the defined project budget and scope.

How can FYP Help assist your Final Year Project?

FYP Help specialises in helping both undergraduate and postgraduate students with their Mini projects as well as Final Year Projects. Our team of experts will help you develop the skills mentioned in this blog post. Our mentors will not only help you refine your interest area but will also assist you in picking the topic for your project which will later help you find a job in your respective field. FYP Help specialises in helping with engineering projects. Our expert mentors are specialists in the following areas of engineering:

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electrical Engineering Degree
  • Embedded Systems
  • Mechatronics Engineering Degree
  • Software Engineering Degree
  • Mobile App Development
  • Any Computing Programming Language
  • Computer Science Engineering Degree
  • IT Degree

We are here to help!

If you need help with projects in any of the above engineering fields then please contact us today. We are sure we will be able to help you.

We can help you prepare for your Final Year Project right from the start of your degree program. By working with you we will develop a project action plan that will include the development of Mini Projects. All the Mini-Projects will be selected in a subject area that interests you. The projects will cover a range of conceptual topics. You will be solving real-world problems as part of your mini-projects. Upon the successful completion of your mini-projects, you will feel confident about starting a Final Year Project. Please rest assured that our Mentors will be here to help you throughout this process. They will share tips and techniques that can help you excel in your chosen subject area.

Get in Touch!

Please get in touch with us today if you need help with any areas of your Final Year Project.

Need Help with your Final Year Project


We are a UK-based organization that offer teaching, training and consultation services to students who are looking to get help with regards to their Final Year Project. We offer our services to help and guide both the graduate and post-graduate students.


Please note that we offer teaching and training services so that you successfully complete your Final Year Project. We do not provide complete solutions that you can submit as your own work. The solution/guidance provided to you by us serves as a reference solution and is not to be submitted as it is. These solutions are intended to be used for research and reference purposes only. Please note that we want to upskill you as part of your Final Year Project development so you can compete at an expert level.

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