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How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic

In this article, we will discuss How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic. We will cover the importance of topic scope and supervisor. Many of the other key points that a student must consider before choosing a topic for a final year project will also be presented. Do you need help with selecting a topic for your final year project?

How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic

How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic

If you are in the Final Year of your degree, then you would know the most important module in your curriculum is your Final Year Project. After all, it is the Final Year Project that determines the career path for most of the graduates. It is expected that you create something innovative and unique as part of your Final Year Project. Your project must solve real issues. The Project Topic for the Final Year Students should not be a traditional topic. The topic must try to address problems faced by humanity or it must improve the efficiency of the current processes. Here we will discuss important tips that can help you pick a suitable topic for your final year project.

If you are in the final year of your degree, then please keep reading this article. If you are in the first year of your degree course, then you will benefit from one of our other blog posts:

Final Year Project Selection Tips for Beginners

How to Select a Final Year Project Topic for Electronics


1. Final Year Project gives you experience

Most students after graduation do not have industry experience. The Final Year Project gives students a chance to complete a sizeable project to gain invaluable experience in planning and completing a project. The Final Year Project and the gained experience and skills can be showcased in the Curriculum Vitae by graduates. More value and focus are given to the final year project when the CV of a fresh graduate is analysed by a potential employer. It is of vital importance that the final year project topic should be novel, and innovative and should look to address and solve challenging problems. This will certainly tell a potential employer that you are not afraid to work on challenging projects and are eager to accelerate in your field.

One of the most important lessons you should learn from the article, How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic is to understand that your final year project gives you experience.

2. Mini Projects are Important

It is expected that you complete at least four to five mini-projects in the previous years of your degree course. This is expected before starting the final year of your degree. Having completed these projects, you would have identified your strengths and weaknesses. You would already have a better idea of what subject you want to work on in your Final Year Project. Completed Mini projects will give you a lot of practical experience and confidence in completing your Final Year Project. If you have not completed mini-projects or not paid attention to the mini-projects in the previous years of your degree course then I am afraid, the Final Year is going to be a lot more difficult for you.

If you have not had the opportunity to work on Mini Projects or you are confused about what subject area to pick for your Final Year Project, then FYP Help can assist. Please contact us today to get help with your Final Year Project.

3. Find your Area of Interest

As mentioned earlier, in order to pick a topic for Final Year Project, you must decide the subject area that interest you, it may be that you are keen to work on programming languages like JAVA or your interest may lie in the database or web development. Mini projects and other projects completed during the previous years of your study will help you make this decision.

Even if you have not completed any mini projects then you need to look at your result transcript from the last years of your degree and see in which subjects you have gained the most marks. Once you have identified the subject areas, pick one subject that interests you the most.

4. Scope of the Subject Area

The discussion on How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic is not complete without mentioning the scope of the subject area you choose for your final year project. Once you have picked a subject area based on either the Mini Projects or an assessment of your result transcript, it is time to check the relevance of the subject area.

You must now research online and speak to tutors or someone who works in the subject to get their view. You should pose questions like:

Is your subject area trending or it is in decline?

Is your chosen subject area in demand by the employers?

What are the chances of you securing a job within the first year of completing your graduation?

What real-world problems you can solve by developing a project in your chosen subject area?

Are there any research options if you want to pursue a master’s or research degree after completing your Graduation?

Your goal should be to pick a subject area that is in demand and have future potential, such as cryptography, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are currently in high demand. All these subject areas also have a bright future.

5. Right Project Supervisor

A Project Supervisor can be instrumental in the success of your project. Ideally, you should pick a supervisor who specializes in the subject area that you choose for your final year project. You will benefit a lot if your project supervisor has a PhD and is conducting further research in your selective subject area, this will enable you to gain advanced guidance and knowledge.

For example, if you have chosen cloud computing as your subject area then you should pick a project supervisor who is best in the faculty for cloud computing. Ideally, they would hold a PhD in Cloud Computing and would be leading active research projects and students.

When thinking about picking your final year project supervisor, it is advised you choose someone who is disciplined and professional. You must not pick a project supervisor who is lenient and is generally busy. Your project supervisor must be responsive and available to guide and supervise you during the entirety of your project. A punctual and disciplined supervisor will help you be punctual and proactive in completing your project.

Once you have selected a project supervisor you must attend regular meetings with him/her every week. Firstly, the purpose of these meetings is for you to keep your project supervisor up-to-date on the project’s progress. Secondly, you should ask your project supervisor any pertinent questions related to your project. A regular update meeting with your supervisor will be your best chance of getting help and advice from your supervisor.

It is important to pick a project supervisor before your write your preliminary report. You must consult your project supervisor and take his/her suggestions in defining the project problem correctly. The problem that you decide to solve as part of your project must be defined precisely and clearly. The identification and clear definition of the project’s problem statement are very important. Hence, multiple meetings several times a week at the start of your project would help a lot.

6. Research and Literature Review

Another area under the topic of How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic is the significance of the research. One of the most important things you can do is to read research papers in the field of your choice. It is advised that you read the research paper before you define your problem statement. It is usually helpful to read and understand important research papers from the last 5 years.

Even though sometimes it is difficult to read and understand the research papers, it is worth mentioning that the effort you put into comprehending the research papers will not go in vain. A deep inside into research papers will give you invaluable knowledge. You can utilize this knowledge to solve your project’s problem statement with confidence.

It is proven that students who read and implement the strategies learnt from the research papers excel in their subjects. Research paper study and analysis will also help you publish your own research papers. Wouldn’t it be impressive if you publish a research paper as part of solving and completing your final year project? A published research paper will show any potential employer that you work at an elite level within your field. Not a lot of students publish research papers as part of their final year project but if you do then you are standing out from the crowd and increasing your chances of success in your chosen field. Your research papers can help you gain scholarships for further study if you want to get into research and PhD.

It is advised that you study research papers within your field of choice. This will enable you to narrow down the topic that you want to pick for your Final Year Project.

7. Creative and Fresh Topic

A creative and fresh approach to solving problems within your field of study will make you stand out from others. You will benefit from this approach if you are not afraid to take up challenges and learn new things. You must pick a project topic that will enable you to work on a new and exciting framework or platform. For instance, if you are working on developing an Android App and you have studied JAVA in your degree course then you are already experienced with JAVA. Instead of developing the Android App in JAVA, it will be good if you use Kotlin to develop the App. By choosing a non‑traditional route to problem-solving, you may stumble on something that will help you accelerate within your field.

A creative and Fresh method to solve the problem defined in your project will showcase to potential employers that you are confident in working outside of your comfort zone. If your approach to problem-solving is non-traditional then your problem solving, analytical and risk-taking skills will also be polished

8. A Multi-Disciplined Topic

Nowadays employers expect that their employees are multiskilled and can work on multi‑disciplined projects without much hand-holding.

If possible, try to pick a topic for your final year project that covers multiple fields, especially the fields that are trending nowadays. For example, if your degree is in electrical and electronics engineering but you also like mechanical design then you can opt to choose a project topic that amalgamates both the electronics and mechanical disciplines. For example, you may choose to design a custom enclosure for a high precision wireless vibration sensor that measures the vibration of bearings. You can also integrate Machine Learning with electronics design, where instead of writing complex algorithms you gather your data and train a model that will give intelligence to the microcontroller to make educated decisions.

9. Choose a Sizeable Project Topic

You must choose a project topic that covers an array of features. Please remember your Final year project is your only chance to demonstrate to your teachers and potential employers that you have actually mastered your degree studies. If your project topic is traditional, small and does not cover many features then it will neither help to secure a job nor will it help with gaining good marks in the Final Year Project Module.

Having lots of features in a product that you develop as part of your final year project will serve you well in your job hunt. Please pick a project that has enough matter in it so you can talk about it in your job interviews, as mostly the graduate job interviews revolve around the final year project topics.


This blog post is about guiding you through a process that will let you pick the correct topic for your final year project. We have tried to answer the question of How to Choose a Final Year Project Topic. We have discussed various important tips for you to follow, in summary:

  • Your Final Year Project Topic is one of the most important factors that can help you find a graduate-level job after your studies.
  • The final year project should demonstrate that you have worked hard on your project. It should reflect you have devoted time towards the success of your project.
  • For your Final Year Project Topic, you must select a topic that is trending. Your topic should utilize recent technology platforms and frameworks.
  • You must read through research papers to get an understanding of the problem that you want to solve. You must also evaluate the proposals given in the research papers to solve the problem as part of your Final Year Project Proposals.
  • Your Project Topic must be fresh and creative. and you can read through the latest research papers to get hints.
  • The Final Year Project should teach you a new skill. It will be even better if the topic is multi-disciplined.
  • A competent and disciplined project supervisor is also a must. He/she can be instrumental in the success of your final year project.
  • Pick a project supervisor who is an authority in your chosen field of study. This will enable you to develop a solution under the guidance of an expert in the field. This may also lead you to publish a research paper in International Journals and conferences.

How can FYP Help assist you with Projects?

FYP Help specialises in helping both undergraduate and post-graduate students with their Final Year Projects. Our team of experts will help you develop the skills mentioned in this blog post. Our mentors will help you refine your interest area. They will help in picking a topic for your project which will assist you in finding a job after graduation. FYP Help specializes in helping with engineering projects. Our expert mentors are specialists in the following areas of engineering:

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electronic Engineering Degree
  • Electrical Engineering Degree
  • Embedded Systems
  • Mechatronics Engineering Degree
  • Software Engineering Degree
  • Mobile App Development
  • Any Computing Programming Language
  • Computer Science Engineering Degree
  • IT Degree

If you need help with projects in any of the above engineering fields, then please contact us. We are sure we will be able to help you.

Please contact us today if you need help with any areas of your Final Year Project.

Need Help with your Final Year Project


We are a UK-based organization that offer teaching, training and consultation services to students who are looking to get help with regards to their Final Year Project. We offer our services to help and guide both the graduate and post-graduate students.


Please note that we offer teaching and training services so that you successfully complete your Final Year Project. We do not provide complete solutions that you can submit as your own work. The solution/guidance provided to you by us serves as a reference solution and is not to be submitted as it is. These solutions are intended to be used for research and reference purposes only. Please note that we want to upskill you as part of your Final Year Project development so you can compete at an expert level.

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